During my last stay in Malta, walking around the mall in Sliema, The Point shopping Mall, I found this corner of paradise that caught my attention as a magpie, so it was since december that I wanted to devote a post with some shots about this amazing bracelet, bought during these days. So catching the chance to shot some pics with my friend Antonio as photographer and understood the undisputed fact that I prefer to shot rather to be shooted...this is the result... Yes,I konw it,I'm really clumsy as model facing the camera, but please, have mercy!Aahahah! THE REAL LEADING ACTOR IS THIS JEWEL!!!
Keep reading after the pictures...

Every single pic is covered by copyright
La designer che realizza questi gioielli,in tutti i sensi, ha un corner all'interno del centro commerciale The Point, per chi dovesse capitare a Malta in vacanza e consiglio a tutti di farci un salto sia per fare un regalo che per farsi un regalo!!! Troverete accessori coloratissimi ed estremamente moderni e raffinati, dalle riproduzioni di gioielli vintage fino a coloratissimi braciali, orecchini, anelli e collane con pietre e lavorazioni che non potranno lasciarvi indifferenti!!!!....e se a Malta non ci doveste capitare...potete sempre acquistarli online cliccando qui .
Io vado matta per queste creazioni e voi?
The designer who creates these "jewels", in all senses, has a corner inside the mall The Point, for those who were to happen to Malta on holiday and would recommend anyone to go there, to make a gift or to make themselves a gift ! You will find accessories colorful and extremely modern and stylish reproductions of vintage jewelry to colorful bracelet, earrings, rings and necklaces with stones and workmanship that will not leave you indifferent!! .... And if you were to happen in Malta there. .. you can always buy them online clicking here .
I'm going crazy for these creations and you?
The designer who creates these "jewels", in all senses, has a corner inside the mall The Point, for those who were to happen to Malta on holiday and would recommend anyone to go there, to make a gift or to make themselves a gift ! You will find accessories colorful and extremely modern and stylish reproductions of vintage jewelry to colorful bracelet, earrings, rings and necklaces with stones and workmanship that will not leave you indifferent!! .... And if you were to happen in Malta there. .. you can always buy them online clicking here .
I'm going crazy for these creations and you?
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